Brain Korea 21 FOUR Project(2020 to 2027) Propulsion Goal
World-Class Research-Based School Fostering
QS University Evaluation Top 100: 5 schools (2019) → 7 schools (2027), Top 200: 7 schools (2019) → 10 schools (2027)
QS Department Evaluation Top 50: 61(2019) → 70(2027), Top 100: 138(2019) → 150(2027)
Excellent Research Talent Fostering by Academic/Business Field
Supported over 19,000 excellent master’s & doctoral talent for 7 years
Education/research support of new research talent of over 1,500 post-doctoral students and contract professors per year
Education/Research Quality Enhancement
SCI Thesis Citation Count from Korea : Top 13(2017) → Top 10(2027)
Education program related to industrial/social problem solving
Research Competency Fortification
Increased ratio of qualitative evaluation and index diversification for research achievement evaluation*, major performance-centered qualitative evaluation based on the securing of professional evaluation committee
Characteristics of each academic area reflected on the evaluation, and burden lessened with simplified application form
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (selected by 1,553 colleges and institutes worldwide in December, 2012) recommends using the Eigenfactor and h-index rather than the impact factor alone.
Master’s/Doctoral Research Talent Fostering
Increased support of master’s/doctoral students (17,000 → 19,000 annually), creation of stable study/research environment by increasing the standard for graduate school research scholarship and rising researcher support*
Mandatory agreement relating to teaching assistants and researchers between the education research team and supporting student & fortified student right protection
(Master’s student) KRW 600,000→ KRW 700,000 per month, (Doctor’s student) KRW 1 mil →1.3 mil per month, (Doctor’s completed) KRW 1 mil per month, (rising researcher) KRW 2.5 mil → 3 mil per month
Substantialization of Graduate School Education & Research
Graduate school educational program fortification, enhancement of research ethics, improvement of international students, etc.
Research-focused school system fortified through innovation of graduate school system
National/Social Research Talent Fostering in Necessary Areas
Fostering of research manpower fostering according to the change in industry, quality of life improvement by raising researchers to contribute to social issues
Aiming for balance development in social/academic areas by considering the region, fundamental sciences, and humanities and social sciences
Support in the regions with over BK THREE support level and the fundamental/humanities and social science areas with less than 20% of the future talent budget